Google Study Pinpoints 5 Questions for Team Success

Image Credit: Skynet

Curated by Paul Helmick

A two-year Google study reveals five critical questions that determine team success.

Teams answering yes to these have higher rates of achievement.

Paul’s Perspective:

This article underscores the significance of team dynamics and the right mix of ingredients for success, affirming the necessity for businesses to foster environments where these elements can thrive.

Key Points in Article:

  • The study, called Project Aristotle, involved over 200 interviews.
  • Psychological safety was identified as the most crucial factor for team success.
  • Dependability, structure, meaning, and impact were other key contributors.

Strategic Actions:

  1. Describe how your team currently operates and interacts.
  2. Assess the presence of psychological safety within your team.
  3. Review and improve upon the dependability of team members.
  4. Ensure clarity of roles, plans, and goals for the team.
  5. Connect team tasks to their meaning and overall impact.

Dive deeper > Full Story:

The Bottom Line:

  • A two-year Google study reveals five critical questions that determine team success.
  • Teams answering yes to these have higher rates of achievement.

Ready to Explore More?

Looking to build a successful team dynamic? Our expertise can help guide your organization through validating and implementing the key elements identified by Google’s study.