Classifying the Four Project Manager Types

Image Credit: Skynet

Curated by Paul Helmick

Identifying the four distinct types of project managers can streamline project execution.

Understanding their unique approaches ensures the best fit for each project's demands.

Paul’s Perspective:

This classification provides a framework for more nuanced selection and utilization of project managers. Recognizing and deploying the appropriate type for the right project can significantly enhance outcomes and efficiency.

Key Points in Article:

  • The four styles include: the Expert, the Gambler, the Executor, and the Prophet.
  • Proficiency varies across functional and technical aspects among these categories.
  • Recognizing the strengths of each can lead to better project alignments and outcomes.
  • Choice of project manager can greatly affect the risk profile and success rate of projects.

Strategic Actions:

  1. Classify project managers into specific types.
  2. Align project requirements with the manager’s strengths.
  3. Optimize project outcomes by matching projects with the ideal project manager archetype.

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The Bottom Line:

  • Identifying the four distinct types of project managers can streamline project execution.
  • Understanding their unique approaches ensures the best fit for each project’s demands.

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